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Barbie Stafford

Little Bit’s community and mission captured Barbie’s heart during a Microsoft sponsored “Day of Caring” volunteer event in 2015.  Inspired by an atmosphere where every individual is seen, heard and appreciated for their unique abilities, she signed up as an arena volunteer.  Saturdays at Little Bit remain a highlight of her week.   Barbie joined the Little Bit Board of Trustees in 2018 where she served on the Governance Committee and as Vice Chair before stepping into the role as chair in 2020.  Together with a talented Board and Executive Director, she is committed to extending the reach of Little Bit’s community and mission, and ensuring long-term sustainability.  

Barbie is currently a Director of Product Marketing at Microsoft.  Her team helps business leaders understand how they can use data from everyday work to make working life more pleasant and productive for employees, partners, and customers.  She is also a SeattleCoachTM certified coach.